Monday, February 1, 2010

Life Goes On

Can you believe it’s been an entire month since we were ringing in the New Year? Where did January go—and why didn’t hot flashes go there too? It’s like the older I get, the faster time goes by! *sheesh*

Speaking of New Year’s Eve… We had a blast, in spite of a "wardrobe malfunction" (thank you Janet Jackson!) I had on the dance floor while jiving to an especially rowdy swing dance. My strapless silver sequined cocktail dress surrendered to gravity (it's relentless, you know)... couple that with my buxom-ness and... flash!... a peep show!

Let's not get carried away here... actually, it was early in the evening, and I was still wearing a shrug... so not much was visible for public consumption (interesting word choice!)... AND the venue is only five minutes from our house... during the band's first break I went home and changed into a dress that had already been "swing dance tested"!

The energetic beat of the jive song we were swing dancing to got us extra peppy... hubby didn't even realize that one of "the girls" popped out for a look-see... but I felt the slippage going on during our Throw Out & Kicks Step (boppin' n hoppin' galore!) so I looked down for a quick inspection ASAP—and made the necessary recovery adjustment as fast as greased lightning—but by the size of his grin and the twinkle in his eyes, I think the guy who was dancing a few couples away from us happened to get a free show! *giggles* Hubby is cool about it... as long as I start charging for subsequent shows *kidding* ...don't plan to add strip-tease to my online profile!

We were dancing on and off for at least three hours, which is usually our limit, even though I changed shoes (from heels to flats!) after midnight. Dancing is not only fun, it’s good exercise too!

By the way, a shrug in women's fashion is like a shawl—only with sleeves (and sometimes buttons)—a bolero-style sweater. The one I was wearing on New Year's Eve is sans buttons, so until I went home to change, I kept it cleverly pinned closed with my jewelry of the evening—white gold Swarovski crystal broach/necklace *whew* it turned out to be a lifesaver, too! You can see the heroic accessory du jour in my Facebook photos, if you want to take a look. *grins*

Now here we are on day one of February… it was weird driving over the railroad crossing in town today (monthly hair appointment!) because everything is back to normal already, even though it’s only been ten days since a man died right there after driving his car around the gate in front of an oncoming train (what was he thinking?) I can only imagine the anguish of the train engineer… it’s not his fault… we all know what happens whenever train vs. car in a collision… choo-choo wins every time!

And it’s totally devastating for all the surviving family members and friends. I know from personal experience how the sudden death of a loved one feels… and being overcome with grief… like your guts get ripped out (graphic, but true!) It seems that grief is the hardest emotion to process completely—with all the stages we go through—but eventually even the most profound loss is just a memory (albeit unpleasant!)

So memories of dearly departed people and pets I’ve loved and lost are popping up across the horizon of my mind as I enter the grocery store (may as well run errands while sporting a freshly styled ‘do!) when I lock eyes with a girlfriend from the old neighborhood, who immediately blurts out that she recently had to have her dog, Buddy, euthanized… at the vet’s office… Buddy was old and terminally ill… he was suffering… no more spark in his eyes anyway… She really misses her buddy. *sigh* Then she adds that her father passed away right before Thanksgiving… had emphysema for a long time.

Okay. Good thing I learned in Massage School how to be an objective listener and hold space for someone. It’s an appropriate and easy method to use whenever you want to hear what’s coming from a person’s heart, without letting your own emotions get involved. Easier said than done, I know, especially when you have close ties with the other person, but it is doable (and therapeutic!)

In the aptly designated frozen foods aisle, I hold space for my friend… and hear her bona fide grief as she verbalizes it. So sad; but in a brief moment her train of thought loops back to her beginning remark… and that’s how I know she is ready to move on. And besides, neither of us wants our dark chocolate-coated chocolate ice cream bars to melt in the shopping cart! *giggles*

We’re going on a cruise next week, so I’ll be back here in two weeks on Monday!

Have a fabulous two weeks ☺


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