Monday, March 15, 2010

Pearls Of Parenthood

The best part of raising kids is that ours are grown up now… and everyone made it out alive! *gotcha* In spite of the times when I considered drastic measures (halfheartedly) during especially hectic situations… I didn’t off myself, rip out my hair, or ambush the annoying family on the block (who seem oblivious to their extremely high annoyance factor!) *whew*

Now having arrived (finally!) at this realm of empty nest nirvana, we do leave our newly established Eden whenever possible to attend awards events in which our young adults are honored, and we accept all the kudos that is bestowed – this is the icing on our cake, and the jewels in our crowns! *beaming* Completing the proverbial “circle of life” by developing bona fide friendships with our maturing offspring inspires feelings of wonder and delight – it’s marvelous!

This past couple of weeks has been jam-packed with family news and events:

Son number one is up for promotion from his current position as Manager of the President’s House at Columbia University in New York City. Here is an ambitious, high-achiever who, at the age of 12, completely planned our family’s summer vacation to Ocean City, MD, all by himself – and it all went off without a hitch (boogie board rentals included!) I once peeked into his 1st grade classroom (while cradling toddler son number two on my hip) to observe him so engrossed in his assignment, that he was standing up at his desk and hadn’t even taken off his jacket yet (he’s the kid who hit the ground running!)

His brother excels in the United States Air Force. He has already served a four-year enlistment, which includes a one-year tour of duty in South Korea, deployment to Iraq, and two years on the Viper West Demo Team. Ten days ago he graduated from Recruiter Training School (top graduate in his class!) He and his wife are in the process of becoming homeowners for the first time, and their family will move to Indiana next month (that’s right, our young grandsons will soon be living in a neighboring state instead of several states away!) This dedicated young man is a brave soul with a very nurturing spirit. When he was eighteen, renting a house with friends, and working two jobs (determined to make it on his own) he found two abandoned newborn kittens. Even though he was barely making ends meet for himself, he raised the kittens – first by feeding them with droppers – and still has them today! The baby book of names, that I referred to when he was born, states that his name means safe and secure. *nods*

We’ve got a college graduation to attend in two months for daughter number one – a most studious, hard-working, and motivated young woman indeed! She’s already been hired by John Deere Company, and will be moving to California after receiving her degree with high honors in Agricultural Engineering from University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana (alma mater of her dad and oldest stepbrother!) And here is an experienced world traveler too… in one year she visited five continents (without mommy and daddy!) *spunky* As of Saturday, she is now a Lady of the Knights of St. Patrick… the formal ceremony was interesting and fun (we danced to live entertainment after dinner!) She has a heart of gold, and a large amount of determination… one of our favorite childhood memories is of her as a preschooler… running across the room, and after colliding with her cousin (same age) kept on going with nary a hesitation in her stride! *moxie*

The busy life of our youngest brings her back from college to our house each time she needs a place to stay prior to an important job interview in Chicago… of which she has many. She’ll have enough credits to graduate from U of I Business College after only 2 ½ years (as a James Scholar to boot!) This dynamic young lady already has internship offers from prestigious companies – and is also an experienced world traveler – her charisma is boundless, and she has a clear sense of self-awareness. In fact, the title of my children’s book, Baron Thinks Dogs Are People Too! was inspired, in part, from a remark she made while we were outside playing Frisbee in the backyard (she was 12 at the time!) Dad, big sister, and I were tossing and catching the Frisbee to one another with great accuracy… then she decided to join in the game and shouted out, “Hey, I’m a person too!” *feisty*

Moment by moment, year after year, we were present with our kids… feeding, watering, bathing, rocking, playing, teaching/learning, working, and raising beautiful people. They are human pearls shaped by our unconditional love and now each one lives as a beneficial presence in the world.

Have a fabulous week – I’ll be back here next Monday ☺



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